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Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
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Research Projects
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2014-21: No. of ideas submitted: 1838, No. of successful start-ups: 32
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NUST strongly believes in inculcating the spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation among students to tackle modern-day challenges. Finding Innovative & Creative Solutions for Society (FICS) is an annual competition hosted by NUST in which students from around the country present their ideas and prototypes for funding and commercialization. This initiative aims to instil a spirit of social entrepreneurship amongst students, encouraging them to convert their creative ideas into value-adding solutions and thereby benefit themselves and society. The three-stage competition spans over two months in which projects are examined by industry leaders, innovators, and investors. Some of the objectives of FICS are given below:
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• To encourage students to become valuable members of society and contribute to societal/community development by deploying technical knowledge and scientific tools. • To allow students to think creatively and develop the latest applications and innovative technology-based solutions, hence encouraging them to work on practical utilization of knowledge.
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As many as nine researchers from NUST have risen to prominence by standing among the world’s top 2% research luminaries from among 100,000 top-of-the-line researchers in 2021. The number of researchers from NUST featuring among the Top 2% of the world’s top-ranked researchers has steadily increased over the past three years, with eight and three faculty members making to the list published in 2020 and 2019, respectively. This speaks volumes of the conducive environment NUST provides in order for knowledge seekers and creators to make a difference in these epoch-making times. Since its inception in general and the last few years in particular, NUST has consistently made headway in its R&D pursuits, bolstering its way to the top in Pakistan, and building the nation through transformative higher education.
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NUST signed an MOU with Total Parco Pakistan Limited as a follow-up, by both NUST and TPPL, to collaborate on digital innovation initiatives, thus contributing towards accelerating the Digital Transformation of Total Parco. Speaking at the event, Air Vice Marshal Dr Rizwan Riaz SI(M) Pro-Rector Research, Innovation & Commercialization (RIC), highlighted the importance of inducting digital technologies in the oil and gas sector. These technologies have a key role to play in the future for oil extraction and management of fuel stations. Furthermore, TPPL offered induction of top students from multiple engineering and non-engineering backgrounds on an immediate basis. NUST and TPPL have also agreed to initiate student exchange programs, talent acquisition, professional development of the employees, and contribution in NUST endowments as part of this MoU.
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NUST has entered a dynamic and profound partnership with IBM. This was made possible with the support of NUSTIAN USA, and the special efforts of alumni in IBM who were represented at the event by Dr Rashed Bhatti, class’94 CEME, lead ambassador for the program at IBM Silicon Valley. Being an internationally ranked University that is at par with the leading science & technology universities of the world, NUST was a natural partner for this innovative initiative. The MOU served to ink the strong working relationship of NUST and IBM in the areas of skills, curriculum development, and research (relevant to
Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Quantum, Cloud, Cybersecurity, Data Science, Internet of Things and Design Thinking), among others. Under the umbrella of this all-out partnership, IBM Global University Programs and NUST will collaborate in multiple thematic areas
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NUST and Tech Avenue Pvt Ltd signed a Memorandum of Understanding MoU, to promote research and innovation in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security, Machine Learning and Big Data. This MoU will give both partners the
opportunity to collaborate with each other in joint research grants and proposals at national and international levels, organizing joint conferences, workshops, trainings and seminars, offering employee exchange opportunities. This aims at sharing the scientific and technical knowledge while extending the training opportunities to the staff/faculty to enhance their skillset and expertise.
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Following their recent successful run in Formula Student UK 2021, Formula Electric Racing, a team of students from Pakistan Navy Engineering College (PNEC) of NUST has risen to prominence against all odds by winning overall second position at the Formula Student Russia ’21 (FSR), thereby securing the first-ever podium for Pakistan in any Formula Student Competition. The team also stood second in all individual events of the competition, including the Engineering Design event, Business Plan Presentation and Cost & Manufacturing Event. FSR is an international Formula Student Engineering Competition, bringing together teams from around the globe to showcase their Formula Student Vehicle Prototypes. The Business Plan event comprised a Business Plan Presentation Video (BPPV), followed by a Business Plan Presentation (BPP). BPPV is a 30s pitch video while BPP is a ten-minute presentation based on a Deep Dive Topic provided by the judges. The deep dive topic for this year was to make a business model for large-scale production of EV prototypes that would cater to the plan of zero carbon footprint facility in the model in the span of ten years.
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NUST and Telenor Pakistan signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA), to promote research and innovation in the areas of Analytics, AI, and Data Science. The MoA is of great significance as it will provide a platform for joint research and development in the aforementioned areas. This also aims at sharing the scientific and technical knowledge while extending the training opportunities to the staff/faculty to enhance their skillset and expertise.
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NUST and Intellectual Property Organization (IPO) Pakistan signed an agreement to collaborate on different projects especially development of a state-of-the-art, Artificial Intelligence (AI) based system for efficient examination of the IP applications. Both the organisations also agreed to collaborate on several other projects for capacity building of IP managers and inventors to promote the IP culture. Furthermore, both organisations are keen on promoting IP filing in the country along with providing platforms to inventors especially females where they can benefit from their intellectual work.
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NUST Research Institute for Microwave & Millimeter-Wave Studies (RIMMS) signed Memorandum of Agreements (MoAs) with Rapidev Pvt. Ltd. and Bcube Pvt. Ltd. to strengthen industry-academia linkages. Both companies will be financially supporting R&D labs at RIMMS and offering tuition fee fellowships to PG students in the domain of RF & Microwave and IC design. The MoA was signed by Principal RIMMS Dr Hammad M Cheema and Mr. Wajid Gulistan, CEO Rapidev and Tahir Abbas, Manager Technical, Bcube. Pro-Rector Research, Innovation & Commercialization (RIC) Dr Rizwan Riaz graced the occasion and congratulated the signatories for taking this initiative and contributing towards NUST’s vision of becoming a research-led university.
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The First International Conference on Microwave, Antennas & Circuits (ICMAC 2021) was held at NUST, Islamabad. The conference was organized by NUST Research Institute of Microwave & Millimeter-Wave Studies (RIMMS) and the National Institute of Electronics (NIE) Islamabad. The conference general chair & Principal RIMMS, Dr Hammad M. Cheema, while presenting the conference summary, informed that more than 120 research papers from 22 countries were submitted to the conference covering the domains of antennas, microwave components, IC design and others. He emphasized the need for a national-level policy discourse to set the direction of the chip design eco-system in Pakistan. Being the first-ever conference to be held on these specialized topics in Pakistan, Dr Cheema lauded the excellent participation of over 600 students, researchers and industry representatives from the public and private sector.
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Graduation Day Ceremony for the first cohort of National Science and Technology Park’s (NSTP) Hatch 8 Program took place at the main campus of the National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST). A total of nine start-ups graduated as part of the first cohort. Launched at NUST in 2019 under the overarching theme of “Innovate Pakistan”, After six months of challenging sessions at the park, coupled with continuous mentorship, guidance and business plans revamping, the founders of these start-ups were ready to showcase their prototypes and businesses with an ambition to make a difference in the tech realm. Some of these graduates have also been granted space in NSTP’s next stage incubator Cube 8, whereas one has even transitioned straight away into an NSTP Hi-tech SME. The tech start-ups graduating from the park, inter alia, span a wide array of themes ranging from Ed-Tech, Fin-Tech, Agri-Tech and Smart-Tech. Out of the nine start-ups, three were given awards for high achievement on the basis of revenue generation, customer base and socio-economic impact. In such a short span of time, and despite a raging pandemic, the Park had already created 840+ jobs, 32+ internships and generated 85 IPs, 40+ trainings, workshops and webinars. Besides, investments surpassing $830,000 had also been raised by NSTP based start-ups during this time. He also thanked innovative Hi-tech SME tenants of the park, namely Rapidev, APIMatic and Data BI who offered support to other start-ups during these challenging times.